Everyone loves a nice length check. Also this is my favorite lounge clothing. I'm very aware that this does not match. Lol
After admiring/researching sisterlocks for 2 months, I decided it was the right choice for me. After 3 years of being a loose natural, I was ready to embark on a new journey. This blog is about my journey to becoming sisterlocked and hopefully it is helpful for individuals thinking about getting their hair locked but have been afraid to take the final step.(Plz do not use any of my pics w/o my consent. Thanks!)
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Happy 11th Month SLanniversary to ME!
YAY! I took a day 1 and month 11 comparison picture. Also I took some random pictures as well. Although my hair shrunk up, my hair def has grown a lot and made excellent progression... I hope to reach my hair goal by summer '13. Anywhk here are some random freestyle pictures I took when I got bored lol.
PS meet Bailey I got him for my mom for Christmas! She loves him!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Wild n crazy sisterlocks
I got bored... But basically I'm rocking a Freestyle look. I used the wake up with curls rollers, put on a handband, then shook my head from side to side up and down. So I call it wild n crazy!
Hair locking?
A lot of ppl ask me am I concern with my hair locking. To be honest, I could care less if it does or doesn't. As long as I can continue to style my hair as much as I want, when I want I'm happy. I love my jet black hair, and I have never been one to care about dying my hair. One day I might color, I'm lying. Lol. If I do I probably will use a spray you know the kind you can wash out with shampoo. If they don't make those kind I probably won't ever color. I'm happy with natural hair color. I have enjoyed my sisterlock process literally every single day. I go in for a reti in a few days! Craziness I can't believe in 9 days I will been 11 month and in 1 month and 9 days I will be a year! Time really does fly! Thanks for reading... Below.are some recent pictures of my sisterlocks.