Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Length check at 11 months

Everyone loves a nice length check. Also this is my favorite lounge clothing. I'm very aware that this does not match. Lol

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy 11th Month SLanniversary to ME!

YAY! I took a day 1 and month 11 comparison picture. Also I took some random pictures as well. Although my hair shrunk up, my hair def has grown a lot and made excellent progression... I hope to reach my hair goal by summer '13.   Anywhk here are some random freestyle pictures I took when I got bored lol.
PS meet Bailey I got him for my mom for Christmas! She loves him!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Wild n crazy sisterlocks

I got bored... But basically I'm rocking a Freestyle look. I used the wake up with curls rollers, put on a handband, then shook my head from side to side up and down. So I call it wild n crazy!

Hair locking?

A lot of ppl ask me am I concern with my hair locking. To be honest, I could care less if it does or doesn't. As long as I can continue to style my hair as much as I want, when I want I'm happy. I love my jet black hair, and I have never been one to care about dying my hair. One day I might color, I'm lying. Lol. If I do I probably will use a spray you know the kind you can wash out with shampoo. If they don't make those kind I probably won't ever color. I'm happy with natural hair color. I have enjoyed my sisterlock process literally every single day. I go in for a reti in a few days!  Craziness I can't believe in 9 days I will been 11 month and in 1 month and 9 days I will be a year! Time really does fly! Thanks for reading... Below.are some recent pictures of my sisterlocks.