Sunday, December 4, 2011

My 8 Cents on the Misconceptions of Locs

I am a Natural sista and extremely happy, satisfied and proud to be. However, when I tell other naturals or people about me wanting to get locs I often hear things like "Locs are too permanent, or that is just too much of a commitment!" I apologize I just don’t get this. Why you ask? I'll tell you...
  • Was it/is it not a commitment for you to maintain chemically straighten hair?
  • Is it not a commitment to maintain heat straighten natural hair?
  • Heck and is it not truly a commitment to be a heat-less natural?
Speaking from experience on each and every one I know the answer is yes. So why do people view locs as the end of the hair world as we know it? While locs do offer the choice of an instant hair style, those with locs change their hair up too! Having locs is no different than any other hair choice. It has its pros and cons like everything else. This is not some plot or plea for everyone to run to their nearest loctian and get loced up, rather for people to get a better understanding about locs.
With that being said let's dig a bit deeper into the top three common misconceptions when it comes to locs shall we!  
I stumbled upon this article and wanted to share this with you. The young lady currently has sisterlocks and she wanted to share her two cents on the misconceptions on locs. I figured I would share it with you all. It is pretty good. Please feel free to check it out.
1. Locs are smelly and dirty.

Are there people that have smelly, dirty locs? Yes! And they give loc heads a bad name. But most locers are very intuned to having clean,healthy and great smelling locs! If you want some great scents for your hair go ask a loced head. We wash,condition,deep condition and moisturize just like the rest of yall. In fact many locers take extra time to make sure there locs are free of product, lint and dirt. Just because we have locs doesn't mean we are some lazy, neglectful people when it comes to our hair. We take great pride in our roots!

2. Locs are too permanent.

All locs, I repeat a EVERY SINGLE TYPE OF LOC CAN BE TAKEN DOWN! No matter how big or small. No matter how they are maintained (i.e. latching,palm rolling,twisting,etc). You DO NOT have to cut locs off if you dont want too. Now yes, it is a very time consuming task and the amount of time it takes to take them down depends on several factors: How long you have been loced, the size of your locs and how many locs you have. However, in the grand scheme of things its no different than transitioning to go natural, They both take time and patience.

There are several examples on Youtube of people who removed their locs.
Though locs can be removed, I strongly suggest that anyone considering locs take the proper time to research locs and not just jump head first into it. While it doesn't have to be a forever commitment, it is still a commitment none the less.

3. I like to change my hair up too often to be loced

I always find it interesting when people give this reason because most people I know are not styling their hair a different way every single day. Honestly we live in a busy world and just do not have the time to switch up styles like that. So other than special occasions, most of us stick to the same two or three styles and throw a new one in there for fun and flare every now and then. However just because we rock locs doesn't mean we are boring, style complacent people. Just like many loose naturals we rock intricate buns, ponytails, puffs, sleek up-do's, curls, bobs and more. Often with cute loc jewelry and/or other accessories to match! Just do a youtube search or Google loc albums and you will see what I am speaking of.


1 comment:

  1. Love your Blog and I completely agree with you a 100%. I'm Locked and I can tell you, they look good, they smell good and are pretty versatile in terms of styling... Go for your locs its a great and rewarding adventure !
